Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Aligner's are ready!

I got a call today to say that my aligners have arrived.

Awesome, right?


My doctor is also apparently away on holiday, so I have to wait until Fri 13th June to go and get them fitted etc

Arrrgggh. I can't wait!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I received a copy of my Clincheck by email. I'm assuming this is the whole thing, but it looks so different moving quickly compared to the proper software version that the dentist had. And it's not as detailed and stuff, so you can't see the full effect.

It doesn't look as good as some other peoples, because my teeth are quite short, and I have a gummy smile - which will be fixed by gum recontouring and teeth shaping at the end. So it just makes my front teeth look square instead of rectangle hehe.

But the main difference is my right front tooth (left on the image). It's quite crossed over the other front tooth, and you can see that straighten out in the image.

But I'm so excited. I really can't wait til the aligners come in.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


** DISCLAIMER: These posts might be long, but if you're interested, it'd be great if you read the whole thing. **

Welcome, welcome.

I'll be using this blog to document my journey with Invisalign, to straighten my teeth.

I started my Invisalign journey nearly 2 years ago now - going to see the orthodontist for the first time, finding out about it, seeing if I was a good candidate for treatment. Things got held up due to funds and finance not being available, and before I knew it it was 2008 and I still hadn't done anything about it.

So I got off my bum and went back there and got the process started again. A week or so ago I got the moulds and impressions done, and some photos taken. And today, I got a call to say my Clincheck had arrived and I could come check it out!!

I didn't expect it to be back so soon (when a company say a week to 10 days, they usually don't mean it!), so I was super excited. And the clincheck looked AMAZING. My teeth are going to be FANTASTIC! I can't wait.

And I will only have a treatment time of 10.5 months, whereas I expected 12+ months.

The usual lady is off sick today, but when she gets back she will email me a version of the Clincheck that I can share with everyone.

My journey has finally started. I really can't wait.